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Chiropractic care isn’t just about healing your aches and pains. It’s about promoting overall health, wellness and prevention of future ailments and injuries.

Did you know Chiropractic adjustments can stimulate the release of endorphins, leading to an overall improvement in mood and emotional well-being. When the nervous system functions without hindrance, the body can better regulate and heal itself. Chiropractic adjustments can trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins are natural, feel-good chemicals produced by the body. They act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers.

Did you know when we chronically repress emotions, we create toxicity in our body, mind, and heart. This unprocessed emotional energy is stored in our organs, muscles, joints and tissues. It leads to physical stress on the body, inflammation and chronic health problems, and it undermines our overall well-being. Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. Chiropractic care can help release emotions in several ways. People typically store their emotions in their physical bodies. Chiropractic adjustments can help release these emotions. The act of adjusting the spine help release the tension held in muscles for a relaxed body and mind.

Active release technique (ART) treats your body's soft tissue by combining manipulation and movement. The technique's been around for more than 30 years.  ART entails identifying, isolating, and targeting the affected area to break up scar tissue. This promotes blood flow and faster healing of injuries. ART treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.


Are the most common causes of back pain, especially in the lower back. A strain refers to the tearing of a muscle or tendon (which connects muscles to bones), while a sprain refers to the tearing of a ligament (which connects bones in a joint)


Spinal discs located between the bones of the spine serve as shock-absorbing cushions. Over time, the discs can start to bulge due to aging, obesity, or repetitive stress or occur spontaneously as a result of a traumatic back injury.

When this happens, a disc can start to protrude outward, causing a bulging or slipped disc. The pain from a slipped disc is often described as throbbing, burning, or tingling due to the compression of nerves emanating from the spine (called spinal nerve roots.

A disc can also tear, resulting in a ruptured (herniated) disc. When this happens, the inner part of the disc called the nucleus pulposus will push out and compress nearby nerves, triggering significant nerve pain.

A ruptured disc can cause sharp lower pain that can into the buttocks, groin, or leg. A ruptured disc in the neck can cause pain that moves down an arm. Muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling are also common.


A back spasm is characterized by sudden tightening of your back muscles. This causes pain ranging from mild to severe which people often describe as being deep and throbbing. It can occur due to the overuse of your back muscles or a traumatic injury that causes your back muscles to suddenly seize up.

Back spasms are due to some form of mechanical stress on the back muscles, such as sleeping in an awkward position, lifting heavy objects, or standing or sitting for long periods. Stress and anxiety can also cause an upper or lower back spasm in some people.


Spinal osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that is caused by the wear and tear of cartilage between the bones of the spine. As the cartilage wears away, people will experience a dull, aching, or throbbing back pain that worsens with movement.

Spinal osteoarthritis tends to be persistent. It is generally worse in the morning and eases as you get on with your day. You may also have back stiffness and a popping sensation known as crepitus.

As the disease progresses, bony growths can develop. These bone spurs (also known as osteophytes) can compress nearby spinal root nerves, causing numbness and tingling sensations similar to that of a ruptured disc


Is pain that shoots down the leg via the sciatic nerve originating in the lumbar (lower) spine.

Sciatica can be caused by a ruptured disc, bone spur, or an injury to the pelvis, buttock, or thigh. Diabetes, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting are also risk factors. A condition called piriformis syndrome can cause sciatica when the piriformis muscle situated on the top of your buttocks goes into spasm.

Sciatica causes shooting, burning, or cramping pain that extends from the lower back into a buttock (and occasionally down the leg and into the sole of the foot). Tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness are also common.

Chiropractic care can help with these conditions and once you get proper treatment, you can resume your daily activities and enjoy life.

Your journey to holistic care aligning your spine and balancing your body in natural harmony.

Dr. David J. DePalma, Chiropractor and Owner

CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS | 212 Maple Ave Red Bank NJ 07701 | Tel. 732.358.6509



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